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Immunological Perspectives: Dermatology, Gastorenterology, Rheumatology
- IBS – Cognitive Difficulties
- Alopecia Areata of Eyelashes – Diagnostic Challenges
- Psoriatic Arthritis – PROs in a Real-World Setting
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*BestPractice Nordic maintains a continuous dialogue with the Nordic Advisory Editorial Panel. This panel aids in proposing editorial themes, bringing attention to new guidelines, essays, relevant clinical issues, and updates from national and international congresses. Please note that the advisory editorial panel is NOT accountable for the content published by BestPractice Nordic. All content undergoes approval by the author.
Immunological Perspectives: Dermatology, Gastorenterology, Rheumatology • Nr. 2 • 2023
- IL-171 – A New Direction in Treating Psoriatic Arthritis Patients with Multiple Comorbidities?
- Optimization of Local Treatment in Ulcerative Colitis
- Vitamin D and Calcipotrol Inhibit Wound Healing of Synovial Stromal cell